dinsdag 14 december 2010

Listening Assignment TV 2

Your name: Talisa Sturing
ID Code: 1530056
Class: JBC-B103

Rado or TV? TV 2
Title of programme: World News
Broadcast by: ?
Date: 14 December 2010
Duration: 30 minutes

Subject: There are two subject. One about Berlusconi, the Prime minister of Italy and one about Wikileaks.

The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has won a vote of confidence today in Italy.

He won by a margin of three votes, following a tense session of the house and amid large protests in the capital of Italy, Rome. A lot of people are against him, because they don't trust him.

The founder of Wikileaks ,Julian Assange, has been granted bail in London on conditions including a cash of £380.000. But he is remain in custody and the prosecoters have two hours to arrange an appeal against the bail.
A large crowd of reporters and a number of Mr Assange's high-profile supporters were also outside the court.

He has been given a curfew at an addres in Suffolk and he have to go the the local police station every evening to give a report of an electroinc lable.

In Sweden Julian Assange is accused of sexually assaulting of two women. Now he is fighting the extadition to Sweden. He denies the sexually assaulting.
On the 11th of January Julian Assange has to turn back to the court.

maandag 6 december 2010

Assignment 22

Explain the following words in English. Give a synonym or a description of the meaning.

1. Comms: Communication
2. To plummet: Registered
3. Nether: Another
4. To aspire to: Inspired
5. Turnaround: Change
6. Staggering: Majority

News article in Dutch
De meeste jonge mensen geven aan te willen werken in de interne communicatie business.

Interne communicatie staat nu in de top van de lijst met meest gewilde banen in de wereld.

De komst van fairtrade en de weersverandering, zorgen ervoor dat het in het hoofd van de jongeren doordringt dat het belangrijke veranderingen zijn. Hierdoor kiezen ze de 'zachtere' kant van de zakenwereld.

69% van de 8-15 jarige die zijn ondervraagd geeft in zijn of haar top 3 aan de interne communicatie te willen begeleiden binnen bedrijven. Ongeveer de helft hiervan geeft wel aan dat ze de politiek verder willen ontdekken.

assignment 21

Assignment text 1

1. What is meant with 'challenging' in this context?
Challenge for the Financial area
2. Explain what is meant by 'brushed under the carpet' here?
The meaning of this is: There are workareas which can't be delayed with every major expense.
3. Explain what is meant by 'brand promises will fall flat'?
That some brands will always be worn and never dissapear from the market.
4. Give another word or explanation for 'lure'?
Pull forward
5. Explain what is meant by 'skimped on'?
There is one area which you can't economize on.
6. What would be the opposite of a 'nice to have'.
The opposite is, need it.
7. 'Successfull and strategic internal communication has proven a correlation between employee attitudes and profits'. Explain in your own words what this means.
There is a relation between the employee and realize profits.
8. Explain what the writer means with the final sentence: 'housekeeping really does begin at home'.
That the sales depends on the working skills of the employee and the boss.

News article in Dutch
2010 gaat een financiƫle uitdaging worden voor verschillende werkgebieden. Er is weinig geld dus de grootste kostenposten zullen worden uitgesteld indien mogelijk. Ondanks dit zijn er werkgebieden die het niet uit kunnen stellen, zoals de interne communicatie.

Bedrijven geven aan dat de interne communicatie 'leuks is om te hebben' maar dat er wel bezuinigd op kan worden. Er is een gebied waar volgens hen niet op bezuinigd kan worden en dat is de betrokkenheid van de werknemers.

Wat bedrijven niet zien is dat de interne communicatie van groot belang is, het gaat om activiteiten rondom de communicatie die erg zinvol zijn voor de betrokkenheid van de medewerkers. Dit is van groot belang voor de zaken binnen het bedrijf.

Hoe klanten een bedrijf zien, hangt met name samen met de uitstraling van het bedrijf.

zondag 28 november 2010

Listening assignment TV 1

Your name: Talisa Sturing
ID Code: 1530056
Class: JBC-B103

Rado or TV? TV 1
Title of programme: Reporters
Broadcast by: ?
Date: 28 november 2010
Duration: 32 minutes

There were two subjects, namely about a goldmine in Tbilisi, Georgia and about a playboymodel who is back in the magazine.

Goldmine in Georgia
In Tbilisi in Georgia there is a goldmine. People talk in this report about the goldmine and about how they find the gold. People who are making carpets from sheepskin put the sheepskin in the water to clean it. And when they put it in the water it is easier to use. When they put this in the water they saw gold in the rocks who are in the water and try to take it. In Tbilisi there is a big rock where people get their gold. Nobody knows who found this rock. In this rock there is a big gold industry now. In the goldmine from Tbilisi people are doing chemical tests to see if the gold that people get is real. The goldmine is very big and there working a lot of people.

Hugh Hefner, the boss of the Playboy, told us that his model Kendra Wilkinson is back in the pages of Playboy. In 2009 she got engaged with Hank Baskett and decided not to pose nude for Playboy again, because her husband gets really mad when she does stuff like that. She lived in the playboymansion with Hugh Hefner and she wrote about this on her blog. Now she is 25 years old and she will be on the cover of December this year again, but she explained that the picture who is coming on the cover is made 2 years ago when she was still living in the mansion. She still don’t want to pode nude again, but the Playboy will always have a special place in her heart.

zaterdag 27 november 2010

Assignment 20

Answer the questions in your own words, in English. Do not quote from the text. Do not use a dictionary.

1. What advantage for companies of the use of social media is described in the first
That the revenues of the companies with the biggest variety of using the
social media grew 18 percent over one year.

2. What big change for internal communication does the writer predict for the
The writer predict that the internal communication will be all being produced
online. This will happen five years from now.

3. Explain what the writer means here with 'a goat is still a goat, even when it's
wearing a tuxedo'.
I think that the writer means that the communication in companies will be the
same when it is printed or when it is online, because the company will have the
same goals and messages.

4. Explain the meaning of the word 'hurdle' in the 6th paragraph. Give a synonym or
a description of the meaning.
I think the synonym for this word is fear. I think that the companies are
afraid that the employees uses the social media wrong and post negative

5. Who or what are meant by 'Gen Y' and GenXers?
The older generation and younger generation.

6. What do employees invest when they engage in social media with their employers?
The employees invest in the process of a new kind of communication. Some
people think communicate on the internet is damaging your privacy.

Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat het gebruik van Social Media binnen bedrijven zorgt voor een groei van de inkomensten met 18% in een jaar en de inkomsten van bedrijven die er geen gebruik van maken dalen met 6%.

Vergeleken met 5 jaar geleden is er al erg veel verandert in het overbrengen, vinden en delen van informatie en er wordt zelfs gesuggereerd dat de communicatie binnen 5 jaar helemaal is verandert en dat de interne communicatie vrijwel alleen maar online plaats vindt.

De boodschap van het bedrijf zal niet veranderen, want dit blijft ondanks het communiceren via het internet hetzelfde.

maandag 22 november 2010

Assignment 14

1. List of unknown words
Perceive - waarnemen
Admiration - bewondering
Stifle - verstikken
Condemnation - veroordeling D
Tentative - voorlopig
Mere - enkel/louter D

2. Summary of about 250 words
People who wants more influence at their work need a coach to deal with this. This coach learns you to promote yourself and have more influence with senior vice presidents in the company. If people want to influcence Vice Presidents they need to become one of them. People who are not like this think in there mind that the Vice Presidents are better than them.

If you want to play with “the big kids” you have to start being one of them. As long as people see themselves smaller, the influence will be limited. People with fame or position power are just people and do the same things as you do. The most important thing is to treat yourself as a valued person.

Ver y often we see ourselves as smaller than others because then we are safe from responsibility, criticism, to make decisions and the high expectations of others. As one of “the big kids” there is more expected from you and you will find yourself in the media, quoted or misquoted. The impact of what you are saying is the biggest when you have a higher position.

If you rise to a higher leven of succes and achievement, it is about recognizing that the value given you by other is based on the vallue you give the others. It is about difference and people feeling blessed because they received something of value. Other people need respect and to feel important. It is important that you believe in yourself and that you belive in the power within you.

When you rise to that higher level remember this: the truly great help others to recognize their own greatness.


Playing with The Big Kids
by: William Frank Diedrich

In my coaching work I meet people who want to have more influence where they work. Recently, I coached a Human Resource professional who wanted to create more teamwork between departments. In order to do this she needed to have more influence with senior vice presidents in the company. Senior VP’s report to the President, and she reports to one of the VP’s. I told her she needed to become a senior VP. Since she will not be instantly promoted, she needs to promote herself. By “promote” I don’t mean she has to sell herself to anyone. If she wants to influence senior VP’s and the president she needs to become one of them. She needs to see herself on their level. She needs to walk, talk, and act as if she is on that level. Her response was that she sees the president and her VP as above her. In her mind they are “better” than her.

Organizations have hierarchies, and we need to respect them. At the same time, we need not perceive ourselves as less than someone who has a higher rank. As long as we see ourselves as smaller, our influence will be limited. If you want to play with the big kids you have to start being one of them. This means telling yourself that you deserve to walk along side leaders in your organization or in your field and treat them like people, not icons.
Those who have risen to high levels of achievement deserve our respect and admiration, but not our worship. People with fame or position power are still just people. They put their pants on the same way you do. If you want to create more success for yourself, whether it be higher rank in your management hierarchy, excellent achievement in your field, or being a major influencer, you have to start being it now. You have to convince yourself that you are worthy to walk along side the movers and shakers of this world. You must treat yourself as a valued person. You must see yourself as already at that level.

The major barrier to becoming one of the big kids of the world is the payoff we get from playing it small. As long as we see ourselves as smaller than others we can be safe--safe from responsibility; safe from criticism; safe from having to make important decisions; and safe from the high expectations of others. When you are a big player more is expected of you. In public, you are always “on”. What you say gets more attention. As a worker, you could complain to your coworkers and it wouldn’t be considered a big deal. As a manager, if you complain, you’ll probably be quoted to others. As a person on the street you can complain about whatever you want. As a community leader or as a public personality you’ll find yourself quoted, or misquoted in the media. We are always responsible for our words and our actions, but when you’re a big kid, the impact is much greater.

As people, we stifle our own success because we fear it. We fear the potential negative attention, the new higher expectations others will have of us, and the potential of public rejection. Whenever you put yourself in a position of leadership you risk criticism, rejection, and condemnation. This is why so many people don’t speak up when it counts. We disagree with our manager, but we don’t express that to him. Instead we tell someone else. As a new big kid, you have to find your voice. Speak your truth with authority, confidence, and compassion.

I believe we are all here to become big kids. We are here to express our true nature, our gifts and talents, our desires, and our innate worthiness. Our first step is to know who we are, to be clear about ourselves. Who am I? What do I want? What do I believe? What do I value? Once I begin to understand these things about myself I can start being them. I can start trusting who I am. Who I am doesn’t need to change when I walk through the doors of my workplace. It need not change when I am standing near an admired person.
We add to who we are by increasing our knowledge. Passionately study your area of interest and become knowledgeable and articulate about it. This adds confidence to your voice and helps you to speak with authority. If you have knowledge and good instincts about your profession or area of study there is no need to be tentative. The only caution here is to remember that there is always something more to learn.

As you learn to value and appreciate yourself, as you find your voice, and as you gain confidence, you can extend it to others. Rising to higher levels of success and achievement is not about taking a trip on the ego express. It’s about recognizing that the value given you by others is based on the value you give to others. We are here to serve others. Our focus is on what will create the highest good for all concerned. This goes beyond being a mere celebrity. It’s about making a difference. It’s about people feeling blessed because they received something of value from us.

As a big kid you need to shift from a focus on your own needs to a focus on the needs of others. Others need respect and to feel important. Listen to them. They need sincere recognition for their efforts. Offer your praise for work well done. When you step outside of yourself and extend your good will to others you become more important to them. At the same time, you have to let go of the negative opinions of others. Learn from criticism, and turn within to your own sense of self, your own instincts and knowledge for guidance. You need not focus on impressing others. Learn to believe in yourself and the awesome power within you.

So what do you think? Are you ready to play with the big kids? Are you ready to express the greatness within you? Are you ready to move up to the next level or higher? Someday never arrives. Now is the acceptable moment to begin. There is greatness within you. When you rise to that higher level remember this: the truly great help others to recognize their own greatness.

Assignment 13

Article of Toyota

1. List of unknown words
Reassurance - geruststellen D
Fortnight - twee weken D
Erupted - uitbarsten
Proverb - spreekwoord D
Vigilant - opletten
Willingness - bereidheid
Flaws - fouten
Hierarchical - hiƫrarchisch
Thinktank - denktank D
Wholesomeness - gezondheid D
Embodied - aantasten
Fumble - morrelen D
Enhanced - verbeteren
Pivotal - centraal
Demeanour - houding/gedrag D
Glare - felle licht D
Scrutiny - toetsing D

2. Summary of about 250 words
When there are problems in a company like Toyota the people who work there have to communicate about the problem. They have done right responding to its current crisis. But they ignored the problem until it was forced to take action. The best crisis Communication is to communicatie before the problem is escalated. Toyota is a company that quickly finds the problems.

Toyota have got two things that they think are important:
The first one is obsession for quality, this meens that everything less than perfection is seen as shamefull. The second thing is a hierarchical approach to management and a lack of open communication.

Very important for big companies is to understand what lies at the heart of the brand. Full recovery requires continued communication.