1. Look at the title of this text. What do you think this text is about?
I think this text is about drugs that make you cleverer.
2. Read the first paragraph. Which drug do you think this first paragraph is about?
They are talking about cocaïne.
3. Read the next paragraph. Do you think that the writer is for or against 'drugs
that boost memory, concentration and planning'?
I think the writer is for this drugs.
4. Read the 4th and 5th paragraphs. Try to predict what paragraphs 5 and 6 will be about.
It is about medicins. People think it will help them concentrate but it isn't. It is just an addiction and that is why people thinks it work.
5. Read the 5th and 6th paragraph. Was you prediction correct? At the end of
paragraph 6 it says 'the benefits could be huge'. For whom do you think the
benefits of this new type of medicine could be huge?
My prediction was a little bit correct. For people how are going to die, but have a chance to survive with this new drug
6. Now read paragraphs 7 and 8. Was your prediction correct? Now have another look at paragraph 2. Which aspect of the new use of medicines which may boos memory, concentration and planning has not been discusses yet?
My pediction wasn't correct. The familiarity part has not been duscusses yet.
7. Read the last two paragraphs. Now look at you answer to question 1 again. Did the text come up to your expectations? Why/Why not?
It is not exactly what I thought it was about, because it is more about the medical part of using drugs and medicines. And it is about a new drug that will hold your concentration.
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